LIFEWAY medical diagnostics

5 Compulsory Health Screening Tests for Men

Men often overlook the importance of preventive healthcare and regular check-ups. However, health screening tests for men are of great importance and should not be neglected.

health screening tests for men

These tests can help diagnose illnesses and ailments before symptoms manifest, when problems are often most treatable.

Staying on top of key health screening tests for men can make a significant difference in detecting issues early and maintaining good overall well-being. 

5 Compulsory Health Screening Tests Every Man Should Get

The greatest health screening tests for men’s health are given below, along with recommendations on when to start getting them.

1. Type 2 Diabetes Screening

Diabetes is a condition caused by an excess of blood sugar (glucose) in the blood. It can lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease and kidney failure. Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes can be managed, and in some cases, cured, with suitable lifestyle changes and medication.

Starting at age 35, men should be screened for type 2 diabetes.  If your BMI exceeds 25, you should get examined sooner.

Common blood tests for blood issues, vitamin deficiencies, cholesterol levels, metabolic panels, and blood diseases can detect if someone has diabetes or prediabetes.

Furthermore, a blood pressure greater than 135/80 mm Hg may indicate diabetes.

2. Cholesterol Screening

Regular cholesterol testing helps in identifying heart disease risk factors. Managing high cholesterol can help you avoid significant health problems such as heart attacks and stroke.

Men under the age of 40 should have a yearly physical checkup. Most doctors recommend that males get evaluated for cholesterol for the first time by age 18. If your results are within the normal range, you may only need to get screened every five years.

Men 45 and older, as well as those with a family history of high cholesterol or at risk of heart disease, should undergo more frequent testing.

3. Blood Pressure Screening

High blood pressure might raise your chances of having a stroke or developing heart disease. Managing high blood pressure can help prevent heart failure, stroke, and other complications.

If you are a healthy man under the age of 40, you should be checked for high blood pressure every six months. Men over 40, those with a family history of heart disease, and those with other risk factors should have their blood pressure checked every month.

You can also monitor your blood pressure’s systolic and diastolic values by recording your numbers on a tracker.

4. Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men. However, it is highly treatable if it is diagnosed early. This is why cancer screenings are so important.

As you approach your fifties, speak with your doctor about the benefits and risks of getting checked. If you have other risk factors, such as a family history of prostate cancer, your doctor may suggest you get screened sooner.

5. Colorectal Cancer Screening

A colonoscopy is the most common way to identify cancer or precancerous growths in the colon and rectum.

During a colonoscopy, a specialist examines the colon for abnormalities, such as polyps, using a long, flexible tube with a light and a tiny camera at the end. Polyps are growths that can eventually lead to cancer. If necessary, suspicious polyps may be removed during the inspection.

Men with an average risk of colorectal cancer should undergo a colonoscopy beginning at the age of 45. If you are considered high-risk, your doctor may recommend more frequent and earlier testing.


There are many important health screening tests every man should get, like abdominal aortic aneurysm, melanoma, STIs, and many others, but the five mentioned in this article are the most important you can start with.

While taking care of everyone else, remember that your health is paramount.


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